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Klinikai rendszerek

A Mediso AnyScan® termékcsalád kiszolgálja a Nukleáris Medicina mindenkori igényeit köszönhetően a precíz molekuláris információnak és a pontos anatómiai részletek együttesének.

MAXimum Performance Theranostic & Diagnostic SPECT/CT

Maximized performance theranostic and diagnostic SPECT/CT systems for ultra-fast scans with outstanding imaging performance to serve total-body imaging, dedicated cardiac and brain applications. The 3rd generation AnyScan® detector technology using 123 PMT and NaI crystal, along with the transformable detector configuration and the multi-pinhole technology positions these systems to the forefront of the Mediso clinical product platform.

Integrated SPECT/CT/PET Systems

SPECT/CT and PET/CT integrated in one AnyScan® system developed for single room installation to minimize the infrastructure costs. These systems offer a unique solution with a single CT complementing both PET and SPECT studies, providing full range of services on all NM modalities.

High-throughput, Triple-head Systems

The three headed AnyScan® TRIO SPECT and SPECT/CT systems maintain all conventional imaging modes with enhanced sensitivity and more than 30% faster (up to 2x) multi field-of-view SPECT imaging, raising the NM department to the next level with simple protocol adaptation from the dual headed system.

General Purpose, Dual-head Systems

The dual detector AnyScan® DUO SPECT and SPECT/CT systems are the portfolio's most widely embraced models, renowned for their consistent performance and reliability. Excellent imaging performance, high variety of detector configurations, easy on-site upgrade options are the key factors that make them a preferred choice among customers.

InterView™ Processing Solution

The InterView™ Workflow Servers and Processing Workstations serve as a platform for InterView™ software products. InterView™ FUSION and InterView™ XP incorporate all necessary functionalities required for Nuclear Medicine and even more. InterView™ product functionalities are extended by third party software with specialized applications such as MPI processing. The AnyView™ Workflow solution provides the connection between the camera systems and client devices on which the InterView™ products guarantee fast and reliable evaluation for everyday diagnostic and wide variety of tools for research purposes.

Nucline™ Gamma Kamera Termékcsalád

Nucline™ Gamma kamera TH-22, TH-33, TH-45: Az Aranystandard a jó minőségű pajzsmirigy-szcintigráfiához.

A Nucline™ TH-kamerák dedikált megoldást nyújtanak síkbeli, kis szervi NM képalkotásra. Ezek a kamera modellek könnyen igazíthatók az egyéni igényekhez. A nagy érzékenységű detektorok, valamint a kiváló elektronika jó minőségű képet biztosítanak számtalan applikációs területen. A felhasználói igényeknek eleget téve, a vizsgálattól kezdve a kiértékelésen át a dokumentálásig és a betegadatok archiválásáig minden egyes feladat automatikusan, tisztán DICOM rendszerben történik.

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